Friday, February 28, 2014

A "Mushaboom" Intro

So as I was trying to figure out how to introduce Delight & Dwell when I stumbled upon one of my favorite songs. 

Mushaboom” by Feist pretty much sums up this stage of life for me:

“I got a man to stick it out 
And make a home from a rented house.  
And we’ll collect the memories one by one, 
I guess that’s how the future’s done.”  

Unfortunately the “knee deep snow” lyrics have been a reality for a while too!

I did get a man, and a great man.  One that really helps me to make a home from a rented house being that he’s a contractor/remodeler.  In fact, the house we are renting is the house he remodeled to save up for my ring.  Awww

Here we are leaving our little apartment:

And moving into our rented house:

I can’t wait to share our tips and tricks on how to use what you have to make a home.  So follow along as we celebrate this life one DIY project and party at a time!

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